Friday, April 29, 2016

Springtime Garden Update

Spring is a beautiful time. Flowers are blooming and you can start gardening. I am so lucky because flowers have are ready started blooming in my yard! Here are some updates on my yard and what I am planting.

Daffodils are one of my favorite spring flowers so I am so glad they have bloomed.

Ecotastic Tip: Buy Organic seeds instead of GMO seeds.

This is all that has bloomed so it isn't much but be sure to read summer garden update 2 which will have all the things I have planted and has bloomed which will be a lot more!!!

Food Inc. Review

 I recently was watching a documentary called Food Inc.. I was very interesting and I thought I should share with everyone who reads Ecotastic Kid.
 Food Inc. is about how Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) and Pesticides/herbicides effect our food, us and the animals our food is coming from. Another thing it talks about is how workers are treated. This is very important subject that any people overlook. The cheaper food you get it probably is worst like McDonalds. They are such a big chain fast-food restaurant and it is very cheap because the more people buy because of its prices the more money they get. They also most likely don't give their workers a lot or the people they buy the meat from. One of the biggest company's that are pretty much in charge of all bad foods like this is Monsanto. They try to make their selves sound good, but they are really not.
  Anyway Food Inc. is very good movie because it expresses what I am telling you but in a deeper way that people understand. I give this movie 5 stars.

Ecotastic Tip: Try to by organic or from local famers market and farms .

(Picture from IMDB)  

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Plane Fun Pack

    I am about to go on a plane  ride with my family! However  I am traveling with small children so I was scared it would be a bumpy until I came up with a plane ride fun pack! If your wondering what I'm talking about I will tell you. I got a back pack from  Honest Company witch features all natural and eco friendly products. I think that is Ecotastic!!! 
   Inside I included:
  • 2 Barbie's
  • 2 Coloring Books (Frozen and Mickey Mouse)
  • Quiz Cards
  • 5 sharpened pencils
  • Crayons
  • Blank Paper    All of these fun things the little kids in my family happy but you can choose anything for your  fun pack.

Ecotastic Kid Tip: Get the back pack from a local thrift shop.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Ben Feathers Woodworking

     Ben Feathers Woodworking/Art is amazing from their built ins to custom furniture. He features custom furniture and woodworking. You might wonder why I am featuring him ,but don't worry I will tell you. He uses all natural finishes and wood that is reclaimed almost always I thought that was pretty Ecotastic. One of his most recent pieces was the Waterfall Table. It is amazing because he makes the wood flow just like. A waterfall. Another thing he does is beer handles to fit on your growler which is also cool. In the picture below it shows some of his pieces that I love.


Top left built in, Top right safes from old collage dorms, Middle Right growler handle, Bottom left part of waterfall table, Bottom Middle Waterfall table, Bottom right business card.